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Watch this video and more on Silhouette By Alexis

Watch this video and more on Silhouette By Alexis

Up Next in Week 1

  • On Your Mat - Ring/Ball Fire Abs (Rep...

    For members who love using the ring! If you don't have a pilates ring yet you can also do this series using a resistance loop band/ball, or nothing at all! Don't miss this meditative connection to your core. This series is also great for postnatal mama's looking to reconnect to their deep pelvic ...

  • Evolve

    As one of my most favorite women once said, "we can do hard things". I invite you to join me in working smarter and truly maximizing your time tuning in. This unique routine starts you down on your mat, and then we build up to a power standing series. Style - Silhouette™ Signature Barre. Props - ...

  • On Your Mat - Towel Fire Abs (Replay)

    A special replay of your weekly livestream - all you need is a mat and a towel. I recommend adding this to "My List" to add to your weekly routine. Style - Deep Pilates. Props - a yoga mat and a towel. Intensity - Gentle.

    Disclaimer: You should always consult your physician or health care specia...