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Watch this video and more on Silhouette By Alexis

Watch this video and more on Silhouette By Alexis

27 Min Strong Mat Flow

Strong • 27m

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  • No Regrets

    It's a pause for your mind, body, and soul - treat yourself to the next 38-minutes and leave your mat with zero regrets. Don't say you'll give it 100% later, try it now. Props - a chair, yoga mat, lightweights, add ankle weights to level-up. Intensity - Strong

  • 19 Min Power Sculpt Glider and Mat Wo...

    The perfect full body sculpt that begins standing, then comes to the mat. To level-up use gliders and add more instability in the movements to strengthen more muscle fibers in your legs and your core. Prenatal - I strongly recommend not using gliders, walk the movements instead of glide. Props - ...

  • Power N.21

    The beauty of filming in a studio here in NYC ... you never know what friends may join you! Stay tuned for bloopers. This dance cardio combo is fun and repetitive, and then grab your lightweights, gliders or socks, and a yoga mat for that final power sculpt. Intensity - Strong